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Teacher... Leader... Superhero!

March 22, 2016
Teachers from all across the province are involved in the work of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in various capacities. Such volunteer efforts by members are critical to the effective operation of the Association.

Shannon Dube

Grade 3, Timberlea Public School, Fort McMurray

How long have you been teaching?
Nine years

Why did you become a teacher?
I became a teacher because I wanted to work every day in a place where I could build and foster important relationships and connections with others, especially young children.

What is your current Association role?
Local communications officer, Fort McMurray Local No. 48

What are your main responsibilities?
Communicating with members about local events and news through newsletters, Twitter and Facebook. I also help organize events that support and bring awareness to the mental health of our youth and families. I represent our local members at events like Annual Representative Assembly and Summer Conference.

What do you enjoy most about this work?
I love being a part, in some small way, of the important work the Association does. I love networking with people I get to meet from other locals at Association events and conferences.

What other roles have you held with the Association?
I have been a member of the Council of School Representatives (CSR).

Why do you do this work? Why is it important?
This work is important to me because we need people who want to ensure their colleagues are informed, so that they feel they can go to someone they trust should they have any questions or concerns about local or provincial business.

How or why did you first become involved in Association work?
I first became involved when a dear friend of mine, Mary-Lynne Luco, brought me to my first CSR meeting.

What is your favourite ...

Dirty Dancing

TV show?
How To Get Away With Murder

Anything country

The Book Thief

Summer vacation activity?
Vacation anywhere

Travel destination?
Somewhere hot

Article of clothing?

What super power would you most like to have and why?
The power to make everyone laugh because I want to be hilarious.

What fictional character are you most like and why?
I want to compare myself to Mindy Lahiri from The Mindy Project because she is silly and, once again, hilarious.

What fictional character would you most like to meet and why?
Morgan from The Mindy Project because I am obsessed with that show.

What was your first car?
1992 Pontiac Sunbird GT ❚

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